The Story of an Old Order Mennonite Girl

Circle Letters: The Story of an Old Order Mennonite Girl - A Memoir by Aleta M. Schrock

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday: Job 37:5, 21 and 14

Job 37:5, 21 and 14

To me these clouds appear as the glorious face of God bending low to commune with man.

God thundereth marvellously with his voice; great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend.
21 And now men see not the bright light which is in the clouds: but the wind passeth, and cleanseth them.

14 Hearken unto this, O Aleta: stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God.


  1. That is an incredible photo. Doesn't take too much imagination to "see" the faces. A beautiful moment where you stood still to consider. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. WOW!!! Love it.. and nice to see that "He" is much brighter than the "man" who, most likely, is covered with sadness and sorrow. Interesting creativity, to say the least.

  3. My goodness! SO beautiful. And I love the way you personalized that verse.

    1. Thank you, Deidra, welcome back home from your travels.

  4. What interesting images in those clouds.

    1. I find clouds fascinating. Especially these. They held the awe of God even more than usual.

  5. Wow...The glorious face of God bending low to meet us, wow HE didn't have to...HE chose to.
